How many of you know how important it is to be outside on the ground - dirt, rock or grass daily?
Our bodies are made up of energy-- and being grounded can make a huge difference in your health and life.
Did you know our bodies are electrical FIRST, chemical second?!
I make it a point to go outside daily and get "grounded" and when weather doesn’t cooperate I ground by - ‘plugging in’ by pad, mat or sheets and when wanting a direct location, I use my ground therapy patches. Patches are not only for the bottom of your feet but for “trouble spots”.
Throughout history, humans mostly walked barefoot or with footwear made of animal skins and slept on the ground or on skins. Through this contact, the ground's abundant free electrons were able to enter the body, which is electrically conductive. In this way, every part of the body could balance with the electrical potential of the Earth and it would stabilize the electrical environment of all organs, tissues, and cells!
The roots of “earthing” or “ grounding” can be traced back thousands of years to ancient Chinese culture.
“Earthing is like taking handfuls of antioxidants”
Studies show that people who regularly ground themselves have these health benefits:
Improved immune function
Neutralizes free radicals
Improved digestion
Improved sleep
Rapid healing of injuries
Improved blood circulation
Harmonization and stabilisation of the body's basic biological rhythms
Reduction of inflammation
Reduced stress/ anxiety / irritability/cortisol
Grounding the body at night during sleep has shown to positively affect morning fatigue levels, daytime energy, and reduced pain levels.
Even if it’s cold where you live, you can get an earthing mat or blanket and get grounded while you sleep! As a matter of fact, much of the research has been done using earthing equipment and during grounded sleep. The mats create an electrical pathway between your body and the earth! And when done overnight you get 6-8 hours of uninterrupted, full body grounding, which maximizes the electron transfer. your body does most healing at night, and greater surface area contact equals more electrons - providing greater inflammation and pain reduction, better sleep and much more! Look up and into:
A Book titled -Earthing By Clint Ober
Ultimate Longevity LLC -web link for product(s) and Peer review studies
NIH National Library of Medicine - Scientific literature -search Grounding or Earthing
Wu Wei Wisdom -web link on grounding
Grounding Well -web link for product
Science Direct -search words electromagnetic fields in subject area Physics
There have been many peer-reviewed studies on the benefits of earthing!
Difference between Earthing and Grounding?
The Earthing is for the connection of the non-current carrying part to the earth. Walking barefoot upon the ground. Earthing is responsible for protection from electrical shock-Earthing discharges the electrical energy to the earth.
Whereas, in grounding the current-carrying part directly connected to the ground. Inside plugged into the grounding of an electrical outlet. Grounding is responsible for load-Grounding provides the return path to the current. Mainly in use for unbalancing when the electric system overloads.
These both apply to the human body. They put the body into a healing state! Studies so far suggest that becoming a part of the earth’s global DC circuit enhances our conductive health, including but not limited to our Central and Peripheral nervous system, our musculoskeletal system, and our cardiovascular system.
Grounding or Earthing could be the anti-inflammatory antidote for modern man!
The earth, and all living things on the earth- both plants and animals- including 8.1 million species of life are all part of an all natural, global electrical circuit. The earth’s natural electromagnetic fields influence the circadian rhythm in humans.
Health information is constantly changing as a result of new research in various approaches to treating a multitude of inflammatory conditions. Sometimes, even with the most relevant published data, it is difficult to choose which advice is most conductive for healing.
I share what I have personally experienced and studied/researched. I started Earthing/Grounding over a year ago and the benefits are everything the studies are showing!
Are you ready to start Earthing or Grounding?
I've given you info and links and words to search-do your own due diligence from my article ;) Happy Grounding